The Hub governance structure ensures that Hub operations and research are managed transparently and with input from key partners and stakeholders.
The day to day operations of the Hub are managed by:
- Hub Director – Professor Deli Chen
- The Director provides academic leadership and is responsible for developing and implementing Hub strategies and overseeing management of Hub activities.
- Hub Deputy Director – Associate Professor Helen Suter
- The Deputy Director will support the Hub Director and will lead engagement activities and development of new partnership opportunities, in addition to supporting the Hub Director in business management, strategy development and corporate governance.
- Hub Manager – Dr Boris Sarcevic
- The Hub Manager coordinates all aspects of Hub administration and operations including governance processes, finances, relationship management, reporting, communications and stakeholder engagement.
Hub Management Committee
The Research Hub Management Committee is responsible for advising the Research Hub Director on operation of the Hub, monitoring progress of research, consideration of new project proposals and implementation of Hub strategic plans and policies. The committee members include representatives of each research theme, industry partners and university.
Scientific and Industry Advisory Committee
The Committee provides specialist and independent guidance to the Research Hub Management Committee, including on strategic matters and in relation to oversight of the ongoing activities of the Research Hub, and in particular to ensure research continues to align effectively with industry needs to create innovation and transformative solutions for industry. The Committee membership includes representatives of our partner organisations – Incitec Pivot Fertilisers and Elders Rural Services, and representatives of agricultural businesses, peak bodies and growers – Ausveg, Bonaccord Ingram, Food and Fibre Gippsland, Grains Research and Development Corporation and Sensand.