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The Hub design brings together 5 interconnected, multi-disciplinary research themes:

  1. Fertilisers with engineered coatings – Prof. Frank Caruso, A/Prof. Kathryn Mumford & Prof. Deli Chen.
  2. Urease and nitrification inhibitors  – Prof. Uta Wille, A/Prof. Helen Suter, Dr Shu Kee Lam & Prof. Deli Chen.
  3. Microbiome interactions – Dr Hang-Wei Hu, Prof. Jim He, Prof. Ute Roessner & Prof. Caixian Tang.
  4. Agronomic, environmental and social benefits – Dr Shu Kee Lam, Prof. Deli Chen & A/Prof. Helen Suter.
  5. Maximising sector wide value – Prof. Bill Malcolm & Prof. Deli Chen.

Themes 1, 2 & 3 provide underpinning knowledge and a range of new products for validation, Theme 4 provides opportunities to quantify the gains made in nitrogen use efficiency and Theme 5 provides a framework to drive commercialisation of new products developed by the Hub and the adoption of those products by producers.

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